Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Nine Cybersecurity Tips To Bulletproof Your Business Against Cyber Attacks

Hey fellow colleagues, my dear friends, and family,

Hoping this post finds you well.
If you worried about your online privacy and data security?
Here's my latest published article. It includes 9 easy tips to protect your computer, privacy, and business today (in 10 minutes or less).
You can access it for free here by pressing on the link below:

On 25, May the GDPR law goes into effect and it's affecting everybody dealing with EU citizens, including Egypt and the Middle East. Fines and sanctions are very severe in this new law. Privacy is taken very seriously.
If you are subject to GDPR, stay tuned I'll publish another article next week with a step by step guide to understanding this new law in a simple and easy way.
There's no need to panic about it, just take a moment to go through it and adjust your situation accordingly.
Feel free to share this article with your fellow lawyers, clients, friends, and family you care about their privacy, or if this is relative to them in any way.
My challenge is to raise awareness help to protect at least 100'000'000 people and small businesses in the Middle East and Egypt in the coming 30 days.
The countdown starts now. The only wrong decision you can take is to be passive and not do anything at all. Chose to be active. Chose to be positive, if you want to make a change in this world by protecting your data and the privacy of your loved ones.
Please like and share this post now with at least one person you care to raise his awareness today. You'll see in a month that this simple positive action will make us reach our goal together.
Thanks in advance for wishing me luck!
Have a wonderful day!

M. Shahin

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